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Yazılı Yayınlar

Tüm proje katılımcıları belirlenen hedef gurublar için yapılacak tüm yazılı yayımlar kapsamındaki etkinliklere katılmalıdır.Projenin bu kapsamda ilk yılı içersinde yapılan yazılı yayım etkinlerinden seçilmiş olanları aşağıda listelenmiştir :

  • C4FF- Dissemination at MariFuture.org Platform- 01-11-2014 and onwards
  • UoR- Email informing about project aims and objective and introducing the questionnaire- 01-11-2013
  • Sea Teach- In-House Briefing 01-11-2013
  • Sea Teach- Informing Local Network- 01-11-2013
  • PRU- Dissemination through the University Twitter Account ( 1st ACTs Partner Meeting)- 21.-22.-11.2013
  • UoR -Article on the Faculty of Maritime studies web page about First partner meeting - 28-11-2013
  • UoR- Radio interview –Radio Rijeka- 06-12-2013
  • UoR -Radio interview – Radio Rijeka- 11-12-2013
  • C4FF -Publishing an Article in Nautilus Telegraph - 01-02-2014
  • SPIN -Project listing at company’s website -01-02-2014
  • Sea Teach- Sea Teach Website- 01-02-2014
  • SPIN- Newsletter to 42000 egmdss.com registered users and 7000 spinaker.si newsletter subscribers with an invitation to fill out the questionnaires-03-02-2014
  • SPIN -Workshop - 10-02-2014
  • NVNA - Dissemination of questionnaire on COLREG – 10.02.2014
  • C4FF -Dissemination in Genoa, Italy -10-02-2014 - 11-02-2014
  • Sea Teach- Email informing about project aims and objective and introducing the questionnaire -24-02-2014
  • Sea Teach- Publishing Project and questionnaire in Spanish Maritime Forums- 25-02-2014
  • C4FF- Dissemination at ACI conference- 26-03-2014 - 27-03-2014
  • SPIN- Using questionnaire as a knowledge assessment activity at University of Ljubljana -27-03-2014
  • UoR -Project presentation on the meeting in Croatian Academy of sciences and arts (HAZU)- 28-03-2014
  • UoR -Web article about ACTs Questionnaire Validation Workshop on the Faculty of Maritime studies web site- 09-04-2014
  • UoR- Radio interview - 11-04-2014
  • PRU- Article in Turkish Shipping World Magazine - April 2014
  • UoR -Article in CMA Ships News report- 15-05-2014

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