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O nas

Konzorcij projekta ACTs s skupnimi močmi razvija rešitve za premagovanje pomanjkljivega znanja in uporabe COLREGs pravil na morju.

Vsak član konzorcija ima določena strokovno znanje s tega področja, na osnovi katerih je prejel svoje zadolžitve pri razvoju.

Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka

Centre for Factories of the Future

Piri Reis University


Nicola Vaptsarov Naval Academy

Sea Teach S.L.

Posebno se zahvaljujemo podjetju Transas Marine International za pravico uporabe slikovnih in video vsebin iz TRANSAS Bridge Simulatorja.

Advanced COLREGs Course - Visit our advanced course for complex multi-rule and multi-ship scenarios!

Improve your Maritime English, assess your level of knowledge and obtain a completion certificate
for free!


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.