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Hemen hemen karşılıklı rotalar üzerinde buluşan tekneler ( A teknesi B teknesini iskele baş omuzlukta karşılamakta )

  • Senaryonun açıklanması/tanıtımı/anlatımı: Vessel A: power-driven vessel
    Vessel B: power-driven vessel
    Area: On the high seas
    Visibility: Good (Vessels in sight of one another)
    Vessel A is meeting vessel B on nearly reciprocal courses so as to involve risk of collision
    Vessel A has vessel B nearly ahead on PORT bow
  • Uygulanacak kural (kurallar): Rule 14 (Head-on situation)
  • Kuralın (kuralların) uygulanması ve yorumlar: In accordance with Rule 14 (b) (Head-on situation), head-on situation shall be deemed to exist when a vessel (vessel A) sees the other (vessel B) nearly ahead and by night she could see the masthead lights of the other nearly in a line and/or both sidelights and by day she observes the corresponding aspect of the other vessel.
    In accordance with Rule 14 (c) (Head-on situation), when a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a situation exists she shall assume that it does exist and act accordingly.
  • Kuşbakışı görünüm:

    © Transas Marine International

  • Köprüüstü görünüm ( A teknesinden):

    © Transas Marine International

  • Radar ekranında görüntü ( A teknesinde):

    © Transas Marine International

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